Wednesday, February 25, 2015

John Hoeven's Strategy

Hoeven’s business skill, and past leadership experience as a governor gave him credibility to ran for Senator and win. His track records also served as a testament to his leadership skill. According to Open Secrets, Hoeven raised $3,801,481 for his 2010 election, beating out Tracy Potter by a huge margin. Hoeven’s experience plays a major factor in helping him gain support. Hoeven has played a crucial role in raising the economy, the employment rate, expanding the economy and cutting taxes. He is determined to use that same approach he used as Governor and help elevate North Dakota. As his role as senator, Hoeven has played an influential role in introducing reports show that he has sponsored 25 bills and co-sponsored 175 bills.One of the bills Hoeven recently introduced is the Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act. This bill was passed by chambers of Congress, but Vetoed by the President. Hoeven slammed the President’s decision, saying, “The president’s veto is bad news for Americans and good news for OPEC. We are in a competition with OPEC for global market share and energy leadership. Whenever the president makes it harder to produce and transport energy here at home and work with our close ally Canada, he makes it easier for OPEC to keep us dependent on their oil "(Facebook

Hoeven's website showcases his role as a politician and his achievements.As a member of the agriculture committee and the conference committee, Hoeven played a powerful role in passing a farm bill.According to Hoeven, “The farm bill provides good options for producers to manage risk with strengthened crop insurance, strong support for our livestock producers, while at the same time saving $23 billion dollars” (Facebook). This bill is effective, as North Dakota’s main economic sector is Agriculture. 

Some of the bills Sponsored and Co-sponsored by Hoeven include: 

  • Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act
  • Native American Children's Safety Act
  • A bill to modify the efficiency standards for grid-enabled water heaters.
  • S.AMDT.87 to S.1 To express the sense of Congress regarding climate change. 

  • Hire More Heroes Act of 2015
  • Forty Hours Is Full-Time Act of 2015
  • LNG Permitting Certainty and Transparency Act
  • Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015

Hoeven has been active in introducing legislations, and co-sponsoring bills that are deemed crucial for his state’s growth. In addition, he has also played an active role in meeting up with North Dakotan constituents, and showing his support. According to Hoeven's Twitter account, recently, he has spoken at the University of Mary, about the importance of having a vision and the key to leadership. He has also recently visited Minnkota Power Cooperative’s Milton R. Young Station, BNI Coal Ltd, and the air-force in trying to show support, initiate ideas and discuss future goals.  Hoeven was also recently given the honor to deliver the annual reading of Washington’s Farewell Address. This has gained him a huge support and compliments from his constituents. 

Franking and Mailers 

Hoeven’s website is the major source in helping his constituents keep up with what he is doing. His website contains recent issues, legislations, and news releases. Constituents also can sign up for e-Newsletter to get the most recent update, and furthermore, can email the Senator as well. Hoeven is also keen on using his Facebook and Twitter account in showcasing his current affairs and activities as a senator.

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